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Rencet Visits
Buyer Purchase price Quantity Buy Time
kim*** 26.500 1 2015-04-15
spi*** 26.500 1 2015-03-31
fairy 26.500 1 2015-03-19
angel 26.500 1 2015-03-11
mei*** 26.500 1 2015-03-09
jpvx 26.500 1 2015-03-09
eth*** 26.500 1 2015-03-05
ibby92 26.500 2 2015-03-03
ibby92 26.500 1 2015-02-03
eth*** 26.500 1 2015-01-22
ouj*** 26.500 1 2015-01-20
app*** 26.500 1 2015-01-15
asu*** 26.500 1 2015-01-10
shanna 26.500 1 2014-12-24
kid*** 26.500 1 2014-12-20
rai*** 26.500 1 2014-12-18
kairu18 26.500 1( restock at October ) 2014-11-03
mar*** 26.500 1( restock at October ) 2014-11-02
nyahri 26.500 1( restock at October ) 2014-09-28
kir*** 26.500 1( restock at October ) 2014-09-24
As of today, the cumulative sales195item